24/04/23 – Séminaire de Wendelin Schramm (Heilbronn University, Germany) : Model-based Health-economic Evaluation


Le séminaire aura lieu le lundi 24 avril à 11h dans la salle K71. Nous accueillerons Wendelin Schramm, Prof. Dr.med. au GECKO Institute for Medicine, Computer Sciences and Economics, Heilbronn University, Germany.

Abstract : Medical progress is rapid and medicine is in the midst of the digital transformation process. Previously unknown amounts of data are increasingly available and make medical decision-making in the tension between personalised medicine and general welfare more and more difficult. But decisions have to be made and cannot be postponed. In his lecture, Prof. Wendelin Schramm from Heilbronn University shows how models can be used to make current knowledge about diseases or patients the basis for decisions in medicine and healthcare. He will present examples and use cases from surgery, diabetology and cancer medicine in which models such as decision trees, Markov and Monte Carlo simulations support medical decisions and provide more insight into the underlying influencing variables.

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