Location: Greifswald, Germany
- Location of the spring school: University of Greifswald (exact location will be added soon)
- Location of the workshop: Alfried Krupp Kolleg
We kindly ask participants to fill the following: registration form.
Transportation and accommodation:
- From abroad: airplane to Berlin, then Berlin to Greifswald via train. Train tickets can be bought on bahn.de or via the DB Navigator App (Berlin to Greifswald is approx. 2:30 long).
- From Greifswald train station to hotels, University and Alfried Krupp Kolleg: all places can be reached on foot.
- Accommodation: Greifswald is a small city with limited number of hotels. Please try to book well in advance.
- Funding requests: please see the form above.
For any further inquiries: please reach out to Raphael Mignot (firstname.lastname at univ-lorraine.fr) and Leonard Schmitz (firstname . lastname at uni-greifswald.de).